Access to High Quality
Jobs & Internships for Your Students

13x is a unique platform where your best students can access job opportunities and internships, while students improve their profiles through mentoring.

Experience the outcomes of 13xMentoring
in 3 easy steps!


Step 1

Sign up and create a dedicated page for your college with access to jobs & internships


Step 2

Students apply to opportunities by submitting their resumes for a mentor review


Step 3

Engage mentors to improve the profiles of students who are not selected

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the Mentors?
Mentors can be anyone with 3+ years experience in the industry, we recommend onboarding alumni of your institution as mentors.
Why Alumni Mentors?
  • Alumni want to give back to the institution.
  • Alumni possess valuable insights into the professional world, career paths, and industry trends.
  • They have extensive networks that can benefit students in terms of internships, job opportunities, and industry connections.
Why do students prefer Alumni Mentors?
  • Alumni mentors provide guidance like Big Brothers/ Sisters, which sets them apart from other subject matter experts or trainers.
  • Alumni have firsthand experience with the institution and its programs, making their guidance highly relevant to current students.
  • Alumni can empathize with the challenges and experiences that their juniors may face, offering a unique form of empathy and support.
How Does It Work?
  • Institution receives a dedicated Alumni Mentoring Page.
  • Mentors are identified from the Alumni network of the institution.
  • Students from various batch years submit their resume/ video/ portfolio/ project for review.
  • Alumni mentors provide personalized feedback.
  • Students receive the feedback and work on profile building.
  • Institutions receive a comprehensive report on mentoring activities.

Get Started Now!

Submit your details to create your institutions page